Home Health What to Expect from a Professional Dental Cleaning

What to Expect from a Professional Dental Cleaning

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Is a deep cleaning of your teeth something your dentist has recommended? This is a crucial step in combating gum disease. Some sensitivity is expected, but reduced gum pocket depth benefits are substantial. Let us discuss who exactly requires this operation, why, and what to anticipate. Fort Myers cosmetic dentistry can help you get the best help.

The meaning of “deep cleaning” of teeth.

SRP, or dental scaling and root planing, is a term for thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums. Simply put, a deep cleaning goes beyond what a standard cleaning does. Toxins, such as calculus, tartar, and other things that have adhered to your tooth surfaces, are removed by your dental hygienist below the gum line.

Gum disease, or the immunological response of the gums, worsens if these substances are not removed. This will most likely result in gum recession and bleeding gums. Loss of teeth and even bone can result from pockets getting more prominent over time.

The root surface, technically below the gum line, is cleaned by planing or scraping during this deep teeth cleaning.

Root planing and scaling: who needs them?

You may see some of these symptoms before your dentist notices gum disease during an examination.

  • Putrid breath
  • gum disease (in its early stages, gingivitis) causes bleeding.
  • Gums that are irritated or inflamed
  • Sensitivity to flossing

Make an appointment with your dentist immediately if you experience these issues. When periodontal pockets are noticeably more profound than usual, indicating periodontal disease beyond gingivitis, treatment with this method is recommended. 

It is done only after readings have been taken from pockets with a depth of more than 3 mm. Your dentist may take an x-ray before your scaling and root planing to check for bone loss, cysts, or abscesses.

In SRP, What to Anticipate?

A professional teeth cleaning might take anywhere from one to four hours. Your hygienist will first inject a local anesthetic into a vein in your arm to numb the area. The hygienist can take up to an hour per quadrant to properly scale and root plan all the root surfaces.

During a typical hour-long appointment, only one side of the mouth is worked on. For instance, the right side (both quadrants) will be completed in one hour, whereas the left will be completed two weeks later.

To remove tartar and calculus from above and below the gum line, your dentist, hygienist, or periodontist may use a dental scaler or ultrasonic instrument with a vibrating tip. The motion is used to polish and smooth down rough places on teeth, commonly called a “rubbing” motion.

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